Saturday, June 25, 2011

Appleseed Amphitheater Up Close and Personal

There is an amazing bond created between performer and audience. Whether it's a large venue or an up close and personal show, the raw energy and pure joy of each and every celebration is truly amazing.

 Last night at Appleseed was no exception. Side by side folks we've never seen before in our life while passing a thumbs up to that faithful fan who has now become our good friend, we encourage, laugh and cheer each other on in our common love of music. Then recharged and full of song we all head off into wild blue yonder to spread the merriment!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Back into my Blog

After a hiatus, I'm back! I'm presently drafting a new mission statement for the band, reworking the website, promotional materials, art work, ect.  Many folks make new years resolutions at the beginning of the year but  alas June will have to do.

 Hey, my birthday is in two days that should work right? Was it Taiwan or Thailand who resolved to establish Lady Gaga day on July 3rd? I heard something of that nature yesterday in the barn.Milking dairy goats provides one the unique opportunity to stay atop the most essential news:o)

Birthday Resolutions. I like it.