Monday, November 9, 2009

Our weekend at the Mall......

Trying out our new in-ear monitors.......a bit stressfull. But we're starting to get the hang of them! Mom took a moment off her mixing board to snap this video......enjoy!!!


  1. Looking good...Abigail said that it was a tough show...hope you are able to work out the difficulties with the new monitors. :)

  2. Dear maidens IV, My name is Coach Ron Mitchell and I am the owner/director of a girls soccer club in Northern IN., FC Mystique... We have incorporated your music within our warm up music for indoor soccer training. Especially The Rocks of Bawn! We have also bought this track through Napster and have included it on the Tryouts Page of our website .

    Much of my extended family roots hail from the Mansfield/Loudenville area of Ohio, (Long's & Bowman's). For me it is awesome to have a connection to my family through your music as well as the girls I coach are inspired by it!

    We are proud to support the Maidens IV!

    Thanks for all that you do & perhaps we may be able to work together sometime for a cause that we both endorse...

    Coach Mitchell

  3. Hello Ron,

    Thanks so much for your post and kind encouragement. Wow, small world. You folks have a very fun website. I love the sound clips. Thanks again so much for you thoughtfulness and maybe one day we'll be able to tour up your way. Have a blessed 2010!

    In Him,
